After months of contemplating, I have finally decided to start a blog. Mainly for myself, as lyme has limited my mind in remembering things, and I find blogging a great way to document my thoughts and experiences with lyme disease. I am currently studying Nutrition in Amsterdam (NL). I have found that changing my diet has helped my body and has helped relieve some of my lyme symptoms. I was diagnosed with chronic lyme disease 1 year ago, after having many physical complaints for a year and a half. I also have the co-infection Bartonella and a gluten-intolerancy. After 3 months of different antibiotic treatments, I decided to start an intravenous antibiotic (ceftriaxon) treatment in december 2012. I have just recently finished this treatment and am still waiting to see if it has had any effect. At this time in my life my body is a home for lyme, but I am convinced that there is a treatment out there that will make my body home to myself again. I will also be blogging about my gluten, dairy and sugarfree diet that I have been following for the last year. After a lot of experimenting and adjusting recipes, I want to use my blog to share the recipes I have found work best in the kitchen.
All great achievements require time.
- Maya angelou