vrijdag 3 mei 2013


It has been two weeks after I have had my last intravenous antibiotic treatment. All the antibiotics should have left my body by now. Sadly enough, I´m starting to feel worse again. Some symptoms which where less obvious during the antibiotic treatment have come back. My memory has become ‘lazy’ again, which I find one of the scariest things about lyme as it makes me feel as if I have lost control. This means writing lot of things down, and making to-do lists. I also feel very panicky and scared, without any reason. My appetite has completely vanished, yet again (this seemed to be better during the antibiotic treatment). And on top of all that I still have all my usual lyme symptoms. Not a good week, but still staying positive that this treatment is going to work!! To end on a positive note, my favorite smoothie recipe:


1 Sliced mango
1 sliced Banana 
1 glass freshly squeezed orange juice
3 Sliced carrots
Combine everything in a blender/juicer and enjoy!


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wauw, mooi geschreven ces. Moeilijk, maar we gaan knokken, je hoeft het niet alleen te doen. Je bent een geweldig persoon en staat altijd voor anderen klaar. Dat je een keer iets vergeet of moe bent maakt ons niets uit! Ik ben maar niet in het Engels gaan schrijven, nu begrijp je me tenminste. Xx
